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Roseline Coffee • Portland, OR

Shop Coffee from Roseline Coffee

Colombia Chachagüí
Grape Candy, Lambic, Strawberry
Catapult Blend
Caramel, Cinnamon, Chocolate
Oro Blend
Caramel, Chocolate, Lemon Shortbread
First Flowers Blend
Velvety, Floral, Milk Chocolate
Decaf Ciudad de Flores Colombia
Honey, Cocoa Powder, Dried Fruit
Honduras Joel Guzman
Vanilla, Date, Vanilla Pudding
Honduras Geovany Rivera
Fig, Taffy, Walnut
Kenya Gathaithi
Brown Sugar, Mandarin Orange, Plum

About Roseline Coffee

Roseline Coffee is a limited-menu, boutique coffee company started in 2012. The name Roseline comes from Portland's romantic nickname, "Rose City", but also references that little line that divides a latte-art swirl (rosetta, in barista-speak) into two perfect symmetrical segments.

Roseline's style focuses on the intersection of the art and science of roasting, and their single origins are distinctive for their marriage of sweet, juicy flavors and syrupy depth. Their tasting notes sound like french macaroon flavors (honey, lemon, apricot, almond) and grinding Roseline beans is like bringing a bouquet of fresh flowers into your kitchen.

When sipping the latest lovely roast from Roseline, we have to ask ourselves: would coffee by any other roaster taste as sweet?

Coffees from Roseline Coffee have been reviewed 186 times, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5.

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